North Yorkshire County Council


Skipton and Ripon Area Constituency Committee


Minutes of the remote meeting held on Thursday, 10th March, 2022 commencing at 2.00 pm.


County Councillor Mike Chambers MBE in the Chair and County Councillors Margaret Atkinson, Phillip Barrett, Michael Harrison, Robert Heseltine, David Ireton (Vice Chair), Stanley Lumley, Gillian Quinn, Andy Solloway and David Staveley.


In attendance: County Councillor Carl Les.


Officers present: Daniel Harry (Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager, NYCC), Jos Holmes (Climate Policy Officer, Strategy and Performance Team, NYCC) and Liz Meade (Stronger Communities Team, NYCC).



Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book





Welcome and introductions and apologies for absence


The committee Chairman, County Councillor Mike Chambers MBE, welcomed everyone to the meeting.


County Councillor Mike Chambers MBE reminded the committee that the meeting was being held informally and that any formal decisions would need to be taken in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer using his emergency powers.


There was an apology for absence from County Councillor Patrick Mulligan.


The Rt Hon Julian Smith MP and County Councillors David Chance and Gareth Dadd also gave their apologies. 





Minutes of the committee meeting held on 7 January 2022


Considered –


The minutes of the meeting of the Skipton and Ripon Area Constituency Committee held on 7 January 2022.


Resolved -


a)    That the Minutes of the meeting of the Skipton and Ripon Area Constituency Committee held on 7 January 2022, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.





Declarations of Interest


There were none.





Public Questions or Statements


There were none.






Executive Member verbal update to the committee


Considered –


Updates from Executive Members present at the meeting.


The update provided by County Councillor Carl Les is as summarised below:


·         The role and remit of the Area Constituency Committees has developed since they were introduced in 2018 and they will have a rosy future in the new authority

·         The links that have been forged with the local MPs have played an important part in raising the profile of the Council and local concerns at Westminster

·         The Council is ready to assist with the resettlement of and support for people fleeing the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.  The Government has announced a sponsorship scheme but more detail is needed to understand that role that the Council will have to lay in its administration, if any

·         The report on Cultural Assets that went to the Executive on 8 March 2022 was well received and provides a useful map of what there is across the county.  It also highlighted the key role that cultural assets will have to play in the social and economic recovery from the pandemic.  Committee members may wish to review this more fully at a future meeting

·         The Structural Changes Order (SCO) is going through Parliament and the Secretary of State will make an announcement, once it has come into force.  Once in force, the Notices of Election will be published and the pre-election period will commence.


There followed a discussion with the key points as summarised below:


·         There was a need to speed up the resettlement process and remove administrative barriers

·         Local people needed some guidance from the Council as to how they could best help people in the Ukraine and those seeking resettlement, having fled the country

·         Financial payments to established national charities working in the Ukraine can be the simplest way of helping.  Although, may local groups and working hard to provide practical support.


The update provided by County Councillor Michael Harrison is as summarised below:


·         The cvoid-19 restrictions are being relaxed but there is still a need to be cautious and take a measured approach as there is still a risk to health from the virus

·         There has been considerable interest in working in social care, as a result of the recent advertising campaign.  An issue remains regarding pay and limited opportunities for career progression.  More need to be done to raise social care work to the same professional status as working for the NHS.


County Councillor Mike Chambers MBE thanked the Executive members for their updates and for taking the time to attend the meeting.





Traffic safety and calming measures on Sutton Lane - verbal update - Report of the Corporate Director Business and Environmental Services, NYCC


Considered –


A briefing notes by David Kirkpatrick, Traffic Engineering Team Leader, Business and Environmental Services, NYCC.


Daniel Harry read out the briefing, as below, as David Kirkpatrick was unable to attend the meeting.


As reported at the December Committee meeting, following the fatal collision on Sutton Lane in September 2021, North Yorkshire County Council and Bradford MDC had received a petition for the provision of a footway and other road safety measures on Sutton Lane and agreed to work in partnership to develop a cross-boundary road safety scheme.


County Council and BMDC engineers have continued to work together to draft and agree at a technical level a proposed scheme.  It should be noted however, the proposed scheme does not include a footway as the issue of requiring 3rd part land remains, though it is understood that contact has been made with the respective owners and pending further discussion.


In summary the proposals consist of build outs to further reduce traffic speed, new and improved warning signs and road markings, improved street lighting and carriageway resurfacing from throughout.  Funding for which has been secured by both councils for this work.


It is expected that these measures will provide a much improved visual aspect and warning to drivers of the likely presence of pedestrians on Sutton Lane and reduce the potential for collisions to occur and severity.


The next step is to consult on the proposals and officers are now in the process of developing a joint stakeholder engagement plan to ensure the co-ordinated distribution in each authority area.  The plan and supporting documentation will be shared firstly with Elected Members prior to those on the statutory list of consultees, such as the emergency services, after which they will be issued to the residents/businesses in Sutton in Craven and Eastburn.  All responses will be given full consideration by officers.


On conclusion of the consultation process and the making of any design amendments, the scheme order will be placed with the respective contractors for delivery.  At this time it is expected for work will commence late spring, early summer. Regular updates will continue to be provided as progress is made or with other notable information being available.


Should you have any questions of comments, please direct to David Kirkpatrick – Traffic Engineering Team Leader.


County Councillor Philip Barrett said that it was pleasing to see that work being done across the two councils and the progress that was being made with road safety measures.  He noted that the lack of a footway in the proposal was disappointing.


Resolved –


a)    That a formal update be brought back to the meeting of the committee in June 2022.





Stronger Communities and Community Response to COVID19 - Report of the Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities, NYCC


Considered -


A report by Liz Meade, Stronger Communities Team, North Yorkshire County Council regarding the work of the Stronger Communities Team.


Some of the key points highlighted in the report are as summarised below:


·         As part of the response to the pandemic in 2020, 23 Community Support Organisations (CSOs) were created to serve as the single point of contact within a locality and to coordinate a variety of volunteer led support services

·         Funding was provided to all CSOs, using national Covid outbreak management grants

·         Following the national lifting of restrictions on 24 February 2022 discussions are taking place with the CSOs regarding either winding down or scaling back their pandemic response activities

·         There is interest amongst the CSOs in building on the successful model and developing it further as an effective place based ‘hub’

·         Since March 2020, the 23 CSOs have benefitted from 203,272 volunteer hours

·         The CSOs administer the Covid19 North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund (NYLAF) grant

·         In addition, the Stronger Communities team have distributed £119,599 in Covid19 Community Grants in 2021/22

·         The Stronger Communities Programme has continued to strengthen local community assets and infrastructure, including promoting collaborations between voluntary and community sector organisations

·         The Stronger Communities Programme is subject to a 5-year independent evaluation

·         Craven CSOs are: Grassington Hub; Skipton Step into Action; and Age UK North Craven

·         The Nidderdale, Masham and Ripon CSOs are: Nidderdale Plus; Masham Community Office; and Ripon Community House

·         Demand for Community Transport has increased steadily because of reduced capacity in the Passenger Transport services provided by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service coupled with the increased need to attend vaccination appointments.


There followed a discussion with the key points as summarised below:


·         Volunteers have been key to the delivery of the work of the Community Support Organisations.  As people return to work and take on other commitments, post pandemic, there will be a need to encourage people to continue to volunteer and also to encourage new people to come forward for volunteer

·         Skipton Step Into Action did a huge amount to fill the void left when Age UK withdrew from Craven

·         The cost of living crisis will likely see an increased need for community services and assistance as more people are pushed into poverty

·         The Stronger Communities Programme has been a great success and is now being emulated elsewhere in the country

·         There is a need to provide support for the Community Support Organisations longer term and to help/enable them to develop a new role in the community, post-pandemic.


County Council Mike Chambers MBE summed up and thanked the Stronger Communities Team and the 23 Community Support Organisations, on behalf of the committee, for all of the work that they had done to support vulnerable people during the pandemic.


Resolved –


a)    That the annual report be noted and that a further update on the work of the Stronger Communities Team and the Community Support Organisations be brought to the committee meeting in March 2023.





Carbon Reduction Plan implementation update - Report of the Assistant Director - Policy, Partnerships and Communities, NYCC


Considered -


A report by Jos Holmes, Climate Policy Officer, Strategy and Performance Team, North Yorkshire County Council regarding the progress being made with implementation of the Council’s Carbon Reduction Plan.


Some of the key points highlighted in the report by Jos Holmes are as summarised below:


·         The Council committed to an aspiration to achieve net carbon neutrality by, or as close to, 2030 in July 2019 and its Carbon Reduction Plan was agreed in July 2021

·         An officer group, the Beyond Carbon Board, meets regularly to review the Plan

·         The Council is working with partners to deliver the ambition for York and North Yorkshire to be the UK’s first carbon negative region

·         From April 2022 the Carbon Reduction Plan will be integrated into the Council Plan

·         Work is underway to upgrade the Council estate and so help to decarbonise heat and buildings

·         There will be greater use of electric vehilces by the Council, as part of an overall fleet management approach

·         A York and North Yorkshire Sustainable Procurement Toolkit has been completed to help commissioners and procurement officers utilise low carbon and circular economy procurement techniques

·         Support is being developed and put in place to help ensure that all members of society are able to participate and benefit from activities to reduce carbon

·         Carbon sequestration (locking away greenhouse gases in trees and soils) is promoted through work with the White Rose Forest and the Yorkshire Peat Partnerships.


There followed a discussion, with key points as summarised below:


·         There is a need to consider the full-life carbon footprint of petrol and diesel vehicles when replacing them with electric vehicles

·         Electric vehicles are part of the solution, as is active travel and greater use of public transport

·         Charging electric vehicles at home is not always possible as lots of people have to park on the street and do not have a dedicated space, outside of their house that they can use

·         There remain concerns that the electricity supply is in need of a significant upgrade to enable it to cope with the increased demands upon it as cars and domestic heating systems move to electric

·         There is a need to better understand how small scale electricity generation in communities can contribute to the work around decarbonisation

·         Local Government Review creates opportunities to better co-ordinate work underway in the county and to amplify and deliver good projects

·         There is a need to balance food security with tree planting and to ensure that good quality and productive land is not unnecessarily taken out of food production

·         The retrofitting of existing housing stock will become more important over time and new legislation is expected in 2025

·         There is a need to ensure that we develop and retain the skilled workforce locally and will enable the county to benefit from the work on decarbonisation.


County Councillor Mike Chambers MBE thanked Jos Holmes for attending and answering the questions of the committee.


Resolved –


a)    That the report be noted and that a further update be brought back to the March 2023 committee meeting.





Youth Council - verbal update - Report of the Corporate Director, Children and Young People's Services, NYCC


This item was deferred to the June meeting of the committee.





Committee work programme


Considered -


A report by Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager, outlining the committee work programme.


Daniel Harry introduced the report and asked that Members review the committee’s work programme, taking into account the outcome of discussions on previous agenda items and any other developments taking place across the area.


Resolved –


a)    That the committee work programme be reviewed by members.





Other business which the Chairman agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances


There was none.


County Councillor Mike Chambers MBE gave his thanks to all of the committee and supporting officers for their support and assistance and wished them all the best for the future.





The meeting concluded at 3.30 pm.




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